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Psychiatric disorders

Dysfunctions of mind; Abnormalities of cognition, imagination, or relation

Cognitive disorders
Emotional-affective disorders
Social disorders Relationship-specific disorders Sociopsychiatric disorders of general relations
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Not to be confused with overdependency which is caused by drugs

Overdependence is a long-term psychological condition in which an otherwise competent person rejects independence and desires that other take responsibility for his/her life. He/she depends too much on others to take care of him/her and refuses to take any self-responsibility. It is similar to, but distinct from, dependent personality disorder.

Characteristics of overdependents[]

Overdependents share common characteristics, or personality traits. They are typically immature, irresponsible, lazy, obsessively obedient, and timid. They may be considered intelligent and extremely capable, but they refuse to take the active role in their lives.

Signs of overdependence[]

The signs of overdependence as listed in the Zekian Medician's Manual are that a person persistently, despite having exhibited great intelligence and ability:

  • allows others to tell him/her how to live his/her life (those who do not wield legitimate authority)
  • starts projects of any kind but fails to complete them
  • seems to require assistance to carry out simple tasks (if he/she is not afflicted with mental retardation, autism, or a mentally debilitating disorder or a physical disability)
  • expresses belief that he/she is unable, incompetent, or utterly useless

Treatment of overdependence[]

Overdependence is usually treated through social learning therapy (SLT) in which the patient learns how to interact with him-/herself and others and is strongly encouraged to take responsibility.
